DELF, DALF, TFI – the trio for your success in French

Wide-ranging French language tests for university and career

If you would like to study at a French university or apply for a job in a French-speaking country, DELF, DALF and TFI provide prestigious confirmation of your language skills.

DELF – Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française

A DELF diploma is officially recognized by the French Ministry of Education as proof of French language skills. The certification program is offered for four CEF levels from A1 to B2 and conducted in more than 150 countries and 900 testing centers. The examination tests listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. If you don’t pass the test right away, you can repeat it as often as you like.

DALF – Diplôme approfondi de langue française

DALF can be considered DELF’s “big brother”. It tests the same skills, but at the higher levels of CEF C1 and C2. This diploma is often a prerequisite for access to French-language universities.

TFI – Test de Français International

The TFI is aimed specifically at professionals who are active in an international French-speaking environment. Accordingly, the test is less focused on specialized knowledge or vocabulary and more on the practical application of the language: With tests on listening and reading comprehension, you prove that your knowledge of French is sufficient for day-to-day work. The test is available at different levels, each consisting of 180 questions, and takes about two hours.

Your benefits with DELF, DALF or TFI at Berlitz

  • We tell you which test is right for you
  • Test-specific Individual Instruction prepares you optimally for the exam
  • We familiarize you in advance with the exam process and tasks
  • You work with a language coach who knows the ins and outs of each exam
  • You can start at any time

Which test is the right one for my situation?

You’ll find out at an individual consultation and assessment appointment at the Berlitz Center. Depending on your language skills and objectives, we recommend the most suitable test and show you how you can pass it “avec brio” – with flying colors.
Find out more and arrange a free consultation today.
